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Plantar Wart Removal in Dallas

A plantar wart is a small and rough skin protrusion. Viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family cause warts. Warts can grow in any part of the body. Those that grow on the palms are called palmar warts while warts that grow on the feet are called plantar warts. Although these warts are not dangerous, they are quite contagious. Left untreated, they can be passed on to other people very quickly. Warts usually disappear without any medical treatments after one or two years. For people who can’t wait that long, there are medical procedures to remove plantar warts quickly.

Wart Removal & Treatment

Common treatments for wart removal include salicylic acid, photodynamic therapy, laser treatment, Cantharidin, antigen shots, electrocautery, topical creams and surgery. If you don’t want other people to get your warts, you must act now. We advise you to remove all warts before they spread.

How much does wart removal cost?

The cost of wart removal is relative. It will depend on several factors, including the method and the clinic where you undergo wart removal treatment. We consider the number and size of warts when determining service cost. On average, people who want to remove warts through home treatment with over-the-counter drugs may spend over $30. For newer wart removal treatments such as intralesional immunotherapy, prepare to spend about $190 for three treatments. Another option is pulsed dye laser therapy, which costs $360. For cryotherapy, you may need to spend about $600.

If you have multiple warts, it will increase the cost of treatment. In some cases, you may need to combine two or more treatments to eliminate warts completely. When typical wart removal treatments fail, the last remedy is a chemotherapeutic agent known as Bleomycin. This treatment costs about $495. Here are the most common wart removal treatments used today:

Salicylic Acid

This is the common over-the-counter treatment to remove warts. Look for creams, paints, and medicated Band-Aids that contain salicylic acid. Just be extremely careful when applying salicylic acid on your skin. Salicylic acid is so powerful that it can actually kill healthy skin cells, so be careful to protect or seal off the area surrounding warts to prevent spillage. For best results, submerge warts in clean water for five minutes before applying salicylic acid.


This involves spraying freezing nitrogen liquid onto the wart. The cryotherapy effect will set in after a week, long enough for the liquid nitrogen to completely destroy wart cells. The only downside of this treatment is that it leaves blisters on the affected areas. This advanced medical procedure must only be performed by a professional dermatologist. In some cases, you may need to undergo several cryotherapy sessions to eliminate larger warts.


This wart removal treatment uses an extract from the blister bee insect. Cantharidin is a painless procedure. Like cryotherapy, cantharidin treatment also causes blisters.

Candida Antigen Shots.

To remove warts without blisters or scars, try candida antigen shots. This treatment adds activated immune cells in your body. Local introduction of activated immune cells is very important since the human immune system does not recognize warts.


If typical wart removal treatments fail, your doctor may resort to using retinoids. Retinoids are compounds commonly known as vitamers of vitamin A, which are very effective in disrupting the growth of warts.

Intralesional Immunotherapy.

This is one of the new medical procedures used to eliminate warts. Many people favor intralesional immunotherapy because it yields quicker results and requires fewer sessions. Intralesional immunotherapy is best at removing distant warts.

Laser Surgery

This surgery can remove warts from any part of the body. Laser surgery uses a powerful light beam to kill the wart tissue. Only professional dermatologists can perform this wart removal treatment due to its high risk.


This drug is usually administered to treat cancer, but it can also be very effective in treating recurring warts. A dermatologist will inject the bleomycin/blenoxane into the affected skin to kill the virus that causes warts.

These are some of the treatments performed by dermatologists to remove warts. Check with the nearest skincare clinic in your area and ask which of these treatments is best for you.

Can a wart fall off on its own?

Yes. Warts can naturally disappear. On average, warts stay on your skin for up to two years. However, if you do not kill the virus, the warts will reoccur. That is why you should get rid of warts for good by undergoing a wart removal medical procedure.

Does salicylic acid kill warts?

Based on studies, salicylic acid is proven effective in removing warts. But it requires a continuous application. Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin and eventually eliminates warts. Salicylic acid also helps the body create more healthy skin cells that fight warts.

Need plantar wart removal? Schedule an appointment with Graff Foot Ankle and Wound Care. Call (972) 403-7733 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form to schedule your visit.

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